FREE delivery countrywide in South Africa
Overseas shipping subject to an additional delivery fee if you spend less then R2500.00
Subject to availability and receipt of payment, requests will be processed within three business days and delivery confirmed by email.
(for e.g. booking number / booking voucher / use of courier and/or postal services and associated costs, if applicable.)
In the event of a return, please contact us at enquiries@socrates.design.
Please make sure that the shirt has all its labels and original packaging, as well as receipt and/or delivery notice. We will be happy to exchange or refund the shirt free of charge.
We respect your privacy and undertake to protect your private information to the best of our ability. We will keep the private information required for executing your orders placed through the e-commerce facility, namely your personal information and credit card details, delivery address and telephone numbers, in the strictest confidence and not sold or made known to third parties. Only the necessary information, that is the delivery address and contact phone number will be made known to third parties delivering the product.
We further undertake that we have taken all reasonable precautions to secure the credit card processing that is carried out to receive payment for goods sold. We cannot be held responsible for security breaches occurring on your electronic device (personal computer or other electronic device used to browse our website), which may result due to the lack of adequate virus protection software or spyware that you
may inadvertently have installed on your device.